A Note from our Men’s Club Board of Directors…

You’re invited to Join Us! Our Men’s Club offers numerous benefits to its members:
Players who are not Briar Leaf golf members receive a discount on greens fees when playing with the Men’s Club.
(We think you should join Briar Leaf as it offers the best valued membership of any public or private club in the area.)
Guaranteed prime time tee times on Saturdays and Sundays. All you have to do is sign up to play and the club blocks off the times for us. In other words, you always have a game!
30+ tournament events with varied formats scheduled for 2020.
On weekend days without an event, we still have open play and guaranteed times.
At least 25% of the field cashes in every event.
Foursomes are drawn each day so there aren’t any cliques or standing groups. New players aren’t left without a game!
We schedule monthly travel days where we take a group to our reciprocal courses for fun on the road. This is another reason that you should join Briar Leaf!

The 411
Name: Briar Leaf Golf Club
Established: Over 20 Years Ago
Number of Members: Over 70
Events: Each weekend starting in April there are two events – Event Day and Open Play. All events are played at full handicap. Our season includes around 25 events plus 25 open play days including our Men’s Club Championship, the Sweepstakes and special events conducted by our PGA Professional Jay Williams.
Annual Fee: $70 to Briar Leaf Members and $90 for non Briar Leaf Members. This fee covers Blue Golf Handicaps through the Indiana Golf Association, breakfast and luncheon meetings and additional added prize money to events.
Event Entry Fees: Event Days - $20. Open Play Days - $10. Non Briar Leaf Members receive a special discounted golf rate of $39 for their 18 holes and cart on weekend when playing with the Men’s Club.
Sign Ups:On our site, manually on the bulletin board located just inside the golf shop, or by calling the golf shop at (219) 326-1992. Deadline is noon on Friday before the weekend’s events.
Finally, we have a lot of fun playing a great golf course where our vote counts. We hope you’ll join us this year for another great season of golf and camaraderie.
We look forward to seeing you!
-Bob Hart, President
If you need any further information or would like to have a Men’s Club representative contact you, just click here or call the golf shop at (219) 326-1992.
2024 Men's Club Schedule: